I am including the time stamps so you can scan through the information. I am struggling. I need to get to the civil rights violation, fraud and the cover up. It almost impossible for me to detail the events. My heart races, my brain go blanks. I promise I will not give up. I need help. Please follow along. Shares my story, please contribute any amount to my Go Fund Me
This video again gives commentary regarding the government sanction terrorism. I am struggling from anxiety and depression. I struggle with the ability to discuss the events. If you are here to access the legal merit I will give a summary of the violation on each post. The video is my verbal testimony. I summarize the civil rights violation on each post so you know what to expect or obtain necessary information to ask further questions.
0:00 Intro
3:00 Struggling to communicate. Explaining how harm is impairing my ability to function.
5:00 More on my physical & mental health. I am really in bad condition.
6:10 The anxiety. I know it is repetitive. It’s where my brain takes me. Please stay with me.
7:30 More about the fear.
9:30 Beginning with the end. Giving detail on my abusive marriage.
13:25 My financial situation during the separations.
15:00 I was rear ended: incurred a concussion and whiplash
18:05 Supervising clerk of the Pomona Court refuses my right to file Motion to disqualify
18:18 Arturo Quintero violates my civil rights
18:25 Judge Heidel illegally deems me vexatious
18:38 Judge Lawrence Riff illegally removes me from the court.
20:35 Compare and Contrast divorce of white female and male. BD632742
20:50 Judge Lawrence Riff is in bed with Reparations Task Force
25:00 More on the abuse of the court
27:25 Judges need to be held accountable.
28:40 Judge Lawerence Riff is in a Civil Rights Court
30:25 See how my heart races with apple watch
32:00 What is happening to my body
32:25 The Body Keeps Score
34:50 Levitt Quinn honors Judge Riff. Is there a conflict of interest.
37:40 I think Levitt Quinn should be investigated.
43:00 Bed bug infested hotel
44:45 My car was broken into. Thousands of dollar’s worth of things were stolen.
54:00 Opposing gave over $500,000 of my property to Box & Ship! They stole my property
58:30 The governmental agency who are part of the civil rights violatin, fraud & coverup.
59:00 Government Sanction Terrorism
1:00:06 Torrance Police part of the cover up
1:02:22 The court was having hearing without me being available.
1:03:00 Slowly losing my mind. This is genocide
1:04:40 Police officer tases woman.
This video again gives commentary regarding the government sanction terrorism. I am struggling from anxiety and depression. I struggle with the ability to discuss the events. If you are here to access the legal merit I will give a summary of the violation on each post. The video is my verbal testimony. I summarize the civil rights violation on each post so you know what to expect or obtain necessary information to ask further questions.