Commission on Judicial Performance DOES ANYONE HAVE INTEGRITY!

I just received a letter below from the Commission on Judicial Performance. First of all, I am shaking inside because I am so angry. I expected this outcome, judges wouldn’t be so quick to discriminate if they had some impartial department to answer to. Black people, I need you to get involved. Judges like Judge Sarah Heidel is why black people are murdered and maligned every day.

This is the response that I received, they failed to address my concerns. Which I expected. It is hard to find people with integrity today. If you have integrity please give to my Go Fund me so I can hire an attorney.

I am posting this today Feb, 12th when I received the letter. I will update this post with additional information. If you support me please leave a comment to help me push forward. Please?

Judge Lawrence P Riff aided and abet Judge Sarah Heidel in her hate crime.

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